Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tues : 10 Apr 07 : 10:00pm

Hey-hey! another day brings about another page of my journal.
When I reflect on what I did today, I felt pretty disappointed... I wasted lots of time sleeping in the library. I wonder why... I was making a Mind Map of new words I've learnt from the book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". Suddenly, I felt very whoozy... Umm... Not whoozy... there's no such word... let's see... i know! I felt very tired, as if I wanted to collapse! And, surprise-surprise! I did get KOed... Why is it that I am able to keep awake at certain days while on other days, I just couldn't keep my eyes open for the whole afternoon. Was it because I didn't sleep well enough? I slept around 6 hours yesterday... Hmm... That could be it... Or maybe... According to my radiantly thinking brain, my mind just shuts down due to boredom or overuse of my brain power... That reminds me... There was one time I felt that my brain was shutting down & a feeling of fatigue engulfed me. However, I somehow managed to reactivate my brain just by locating my part of the brain and stimulate it or something. Hmm...

Oh yes! I have learnt another new values! Okay... It slipped out of my mind... Oh well. Next thought! My speaking ability! Comments: It sucked like hell... I couldn't express my ideas clearly... Probably I think too much on how to construct a proper sentence to the point that my mind switches off and, well, my mind just went blank. I wonder if there's a way to improve on it... Wait... There IS! FROM NOW ON, I PLEDGE THAT I WILL SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH NO MATTER WHAT! I just hope that I could keep that pledge... Hey! I should not say "I just hope...". I must say "I CAN!!!"!!!


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