Monday, April 16, 2007

Mon : 16 April 07 : 9:30pm

Well, well... It has been almost a week since I've written a page of my journal. Since I have a mood to write, I might as well Tippity-tap-tap on my keyboard! =)

Oh crap... Feels like the "Big One" has come a callin'... *pppoooooott!* Aaahh... Much better... Now, to continue what I wanted to write.

Ah yes... This afternoon, after a really bad recovery from my K.O. state with numbing hands that felt like a thousand needles poking through my flesh in the Perak Library, I opened my Physics notes, did some corrections to the notes (All thanks to Benjamin for pointing them out!), and did the homework that Mr. Ng gave last week. Time was up and it was time to go home. But as I was packing my stuffs, I felt compelled to read Physics further... No... Rather to improve on my Physics, like Physics has summon me to go forth to gain as much wisdom Physics has to offer as possible! Hmm... What weird feeling I had... Nah, not weird. Maybe unusual. "Weird" sounds like a word that you don't really want to have in your life... I would like to experience that kind of feeling again when I'm improving my Physics.

Anyway, I have a self-created quote for myself!

"Success rests in the hearts of Joy in the face of Adversaries"

Hehe... Probably I could use it and say that this is one of the famous quotes used by successful people! Of course, I wouldn't mention who made this quote, or else I'll be damned. Hehe... :P

Well, half an hour's up! Time for me to go........ & watch "ああっ女神さまっ”! ワーイー!!!XD

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