Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sun : 22 April 07 : 9:46am & 6:50pm

Alright! Another update for today! Lots of misfortunes & lots of events happened for the past few days.

For instance, my awfully executed speaking ability... I had a practice with my group of friends and I realised that I SUCKED in both Task A and Task B! For Task A, I can't really come up with many points and I can't seem to elaborate that much. As for Task B, I'm pretty confused as to what to say, or wether... Oops... "Weather" is a castrated ram. The correct word should be "whether"... Anyway, I'm just as lost when I don't know whether to shoot my firend with criticism or to defend another or just try and stand on my points. I'm quite lost when it comes to some crappy MUET speaking rules on Task B. But after finding out some stuffs on that in my MUET book & bring this matter to the dinner table, now I seem to notice where my weaknesses lie.
When it comes to Task A, I did not think about the fundamental of brainstorm! I totally forgot about the ***5 Ws & 1 H***!!! What, When, Where, How, Why, and Who! (Thanks Baba!)
I should have taken down that quote by Rudyard Kipling. I really have forgotten about it. It goes like this:

"I own SIX trusty and honest attendants. Their names are What, Why, When, How, Where, and Who." ---Rudyard Kipling---

Another flaw (and it's a SERIOUS one) I've discovered is I really have SHALLOW general knowledge. That is why I couldn't seem to give some points and elaborate it properly. Like for example, I really know nuts about telematch. When it comes to giving out reasons why we should imform our parents about the misdeeds of our neighbour rather than call the police, I'm dumbfounded! Actually, I'm not quite sure about the usage of the word "dumbfound". According to the Oxford American English Dictionary, "dumbfound" means to be astonished or be amazed, although it's thesaurus suggests that "confused" is synonymous with "dumbfounded". Hmm... I think I'll use "perplexed" or "bewildered" or "baffled".

Woop! Time's up! time to study before I go for my tuition!

Woo... What a day this is... I'm having a mild headache now after intense pressure from the Chemistry tuition work. Need to take a rest... While I play online chess at, I'll just wirte this post. I think I have something important to say. Well, uhh... Okay... I don't know what to say... AAAGGGHHH!!!! It slipped out of my mind! Okay... Relax... Just be patient... I've set a goal for my sub-conscious mind to do the work... Hmm...

MMM!!!! Yes!!! It came to me! Fabulous... Alright, actually I read an article today about the review of the 7 Wonders of the World. When one archaeologist, or maybe not archaeologist, maybe somebody found an ancient list of the Wonders of the World dating as far back as ???BC, the world council decided to hold a voting event whereby people would need to vote which of the majestic heritage should be included in the 7 Wonders of the World list. Hmm... I think I'll try to use Memory Techniques to memorize all of the ancient structures just to improve my memory power!

Woop! I lost in a game of chess... Oh! by the way, I've found another interesting article. It's about Young Blood and Reckless Driving. Didn't know young people at age between 21-25 years old snatched the prize of being the most vulnerable people on the road, especially men. There like 3000+ deaths from 2004 till now. Ouch... Gotta remember that for my general knowledge.

Time to go to the dinner table! I smell food...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mon : 16 April 07 : 9:30pm

Well, well... It has been almost a week since I've written a page of my journal. Since I have a mood to write, I might as well Tippity-tap-tap on my keyboard! =)

Oh crap... Feels like the "Big One" has come a callin'... *pppoooooott!* Aaahh... Much better... Now, to continue what I wanted to write.

Ah yes... This afternoon, after a really bad recovery from my K.O. state with numbing hands that felt like a thousand needles poking through my flesh in the Perak Library, I opened my Physics notes, did some corrections to the notes (All thanks to Benjamin for pointing them out!), and did the homework that Mr. Ng gave last week. Time was up and it was time to go home. But as I was packing my stuffs, I felt compelled to read Physics further... No... Rather to improve on my Physics, like Physics has summon me to go forth to gain as much wisdom Physics has to offer as possible! Hmm... What weird feeling I had... Nah, not weird. Maybe unusual. "Weird" sounds like a word that you don't really want to have in your life... I would like to experience that kind of feeling again when I'm improving my Physics.

Anyway, I have a self-created quote for myself!

"Success rests in the hearts of Joy in the face of Adversaries"

Hehe... Probably I could use it and say that this is one of the famous quotes used by successful people! Of course, I wouldn't mention who made this quote, or else I'll be damned. Hehe... :P

Well, half an hour's up! Time for me to go........ & watch "ああっ女神さまっ”! ワーイー!!!XD

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tues : 10 Apr 07 : 10:00pm

Hey-hey! another day brings about another page of my journal.
When I reflect on what I did today, I felt pretty disappointed... I wasted lots of time sleeping in the library. I wonder why... I was making a Mind Map of new words I've learnt from the book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". Suddenly, I felt very whoozy... Umm... Not whoozy... there's no such word... let's see... i know! I felt very tired, as if I wanted to collapse! And, surprise-surprise! I did get KOed... Why is it that I am able to keep awake at certain days while on other days, I just couldn't keep my eyes open for the whole afternoon. Was it because I didn't sleep well enough? I slept around 6 hours yesterday... Hmm... That could be it... Or maybe... According to my radiantly thinking brain, my mind just shuts down due to boredom or overuse of my brain power... That reminds me... There was one time I felt that my brain was shutting down & a feeling of fatigue engulfed me. However, I somehow managed to reactivate my brain just by locating my part of the brain and stimulate it or something. Hmm...

Oh yes! I have learnt another new values! Okay... It slipped out of my mind... Oh well. Next thought! My speaking ability! Comments: It sucked like hell... I couldn't express my ideas clearly... Probably I think too much on how to construct a proper sentence to the point that my mind switches off and, well, my mind just went blank. I wonder if there's a way to improve on it... Wait... There IS! FROM NOW ON, I PLEDGE THAT I WILL SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH NO MATTER WHAT! I just hope that I could keep that pledge... Hey! I should not say "I just hope...". I must say "I CAN!!!"!!!


Monday, April 9, 2007

A brand new post for me!

Alright, frankly, my mind's blank right now when I wanted to write a new post... Gimme a few sec... ... ... I think I'll write bout how my progress of becoming "ONE OF THE ULTIMATE THINKER!!!" has been... So far, I managed not to sleep during my study period, after my school hours. But I think maybe it could be because of the "Yin Leong" Tea I drank at Happy Valley Cafe. Tasted like coffee... XP
or maybe it's because I was studying... IN THE FOOD COURT @ IPOH PARADE!!! Hehheh... Well, I had no choice... The Tun Razak Library is closed on Mondays, the Perak Library IS HAVING air-cond problem... Thank goodness I popped that idea out before I absolutely decided to go back home.

***BREAK!*** ------3 hours later...-------

Oh crap... It's 11:00pm now... Anyway, I'm back to continue my journal.
Actually, what I wanted to write today is I learnt something very important after reading a few pages of Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". One lesson I've learnt today is "Focus on the matter at hand..." or something like that, but not exactly. I think it went something like this, "Live within the limited time." Okay, now I've really forgotten the whole quote that is inspirational! I'll check back later.

Well, time to sleep now...

Saturday, April 7, 2007

My 1st Tippity-Tap-Tap "What's on my mind" Diary!

Well, well! Inspired by the stories of successful people like the late H. P. Howell, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, yada-yada, I now begin to write my own personal diary whenever I like to, ideally once every week. Actually, i thought of doing that after reading those stories that implements TEFCAS (Trial-Event-Feedback-Check-Adjust-SUCCESS) {reference to Tony Buzan's "Age-proof Your Brain!"} from a book by Dale Carnegie, which is "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". One awesome book, I've read.

Hmm... Something popped in my mind... After watching "ああっ女神さま” Movie (THAT was one of the best movie I've ever seen. I've watched it twice... =) ), I begin refering to the manga version of it to see if there is such scenes. Well, apparently not. Didn't find any, so the movie events are original. But when I read a chapter titled "The Magical Spell"..... Woops... I forgot what episode no. was it. Let me refer back... Oh yes! Now I remember... I read 3 chapters, actually. They were "The Race Begins! Goddess Acts Too!" , "Aberrant Kiss" (Ok... after checking the dictionary, aberrant = departing from an accepted standard. Must be an abnormal kiss like getting a sudden kiss from the wrong person or something.), and "The Strongest Magic". From Chapter 125 - 127 Vol. 20. So after taking a look again at those chapters again (this is my second time I flipped back the manga), I realized something... "No matter how strong the other side is, if you don't think that you're going to lose, there's still a way to win. Keiichi-san and I have won with that." said Belldandy when Keiichi-san enquired her about what she said to Hasegawa earlier on. Now that brings me a new point of view when I thought about it while pissing in my bathroom (yeah... hehheh... =P). Even if I do lose to another stronger opponent, I'd still be a winner! That's because I have successfully beaten my old self & created an improved version of me! Wow... I ought ta become some sort of a philosopher or something... =D

Woops! Time's up! Half an hour's gone... & It's almost time for tuition! Anyway, I still have time. It's just 12:00pm now. TO BE CONTINUED, whenever I feel like it... =P