Saturday, April 7, 2007

My 1st Tippity-Tap-Tap "What's on my mind" Diary!

Well, well! Inspired by the stories of successful people like the late H. P. Howell, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, yada-yada, I now begin to write my own personal diary whenever I like to, ideally once every week. Actually, i thought of doing that after reading those stories that implements TEFCAS (Trial-Event-Feedback-Check-Adjust-SUCCESS) {reference to Tony Buzan's "Age-proof Your Brain!"} from a book by Dale Carnegie, which is "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". One awesome book, I've read.

Hmm... Something popped in my mind... After watching "ああっ女神さま” Movie (THAT was one of the best movie I've ever seen. I've watched it twice... =) ), I begin refering to the manga version of it to see if there is such scenes. Well, apparently not. Didn't find any, so the movie events are original. But when I read a chapter titled "The Magical Spell"..... Woops... I forgot what episode no. was it. Let me refer back... Oh yes! Now I remember... I read 3 chapters, actually. They were "The Race Begins! Goddess Acts Too!" , "Aberrant Kiss" (Ok... after checking the dictionary, aberrant = departing from an accepted standard. Must be an abnormal kiss like getting a sudden kiss from the wrong person or something.), and "The Strongest Magic". From Chapter 125 - 127 Vol. 20. So after taking a look again at those chapters again (this is my second time I flipped back the manga), I realized something... "No matter how strong the other side is, if you don't think that you're going to lose, there's still a way to win. Keiichi-san and I have won with that." said Belldandy when Keiichi-san enquired her about what she said to Hasegawa earlier on. Now that brings me a new point of view when I thought about it while pissing in my bathroom (yeah... hehheh... =P). Even if I do lose to another stronger opponent, I'd still be a winner! That's because I have successfully beaten my old self & created an improved version of me! Wow... I ought ta become some sort of a philosopher or something... =D

Woops! Time's up! Half an hour's gone... & It's almost time for tuition! Anyway, I still have time. It's just 12:00pm now. TO BE CONTINUED, whenever I feel like it... =P

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