Monday, April 9, 2007

A brand new post for me!

Alright, frankly, my mind's blank right now when I wanted to write a new post... Gimme a few sec... ... ... I think I'll write bout how my progress of becoming "ONE OF THE ULTIMATE THINKER!!!" has been... So far, I managed not to sleep during my study period, after my school hours. But I think maybe it could be because of the "Yin Leong" Tea I drank at Happy Valley Cafe. Tasted like coffee... XP
or maybe it's because I was studying... IN THE FOOD COURT @ IPOH PARADE!!! Hehheh... Well, I had no choice... The Tun Razak Library is closed on Mondays, the Perak Library IS HAVING air-cond problem... Thank goodness I popped that idea out before I absolutely decided to go back home.

***BREAK!*** ------3 hours later...-------

Oh crap... It's 11:00pm now... Anyway, I'm back to continue my journal.
Actually, what I wanted to write today is I learnt something very important after reading a few pages of Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". One lesson I've learnt today is "Focus on the matter at hand..." or something like that, but not exactly. I think it went something like this, "Live within the limited time." Okay, now I've really forgotten the whole quote that is inspirational! I'll check back later.

Well, time to sleep now...

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